Inhibitors of Protein Methyltransferases as Chemical Tools

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Background Pain is a significant public health concern, and current pharmacological

Background Pain is a significant public health concern, and current pharmacological treatments have problematic side effects and limited effectiveness. mm lateral from the bregma, and 8.8 mm below the skull). The anode was wrapped around one of three skull screws to serve as the ground, and the skull screws and electrode assembly were secured with orthodontic resin. Rats received ketoprofen (5 mg/kg i.p. for 2 days) as a postoperative analgesic and were allowed to recover for at least 7 days before commencing ICSS training. 2.2 Assay of lactic acid-depressed ICSS 2.2.1 Apparatus Intracranial self-stimulation studies were conducted in 12 sound-attenuating chambers that contained operant conditioning chambers (29.2 30.5 24.1 cm) equipped with a response lever (4.5-cm wide, extended 2.0 cm through the centre of one wall, 3 cm off the floor), stimulus lights (three lights coloured red, yellow and green positioned 7.6 cm directly above the lever), a house light and an ICSS stimulator (Med-Associates, St Albans, VT, USA). Electrodes were connected to the stimulator through 131410-48-5 bipolar cables and a commutator (Model SL2C; Plastics One). Programming of behavioural sessions and data collection were computer controlled by Med-State software (Med PC, Version 4.1; Med-Associates). 2.2.2 Behavioural procedure All rats were initially exposed to ICSS training using procedures similar to those described previously to establish lever press responding for pulses of electrical brain stimulation (0.5-s train of 0.1 ms square-wave cathodal pulses) under a fixed-ratio 1 (FR 1) schedule (Negus and Miller, 2014). During initial training, the frequency of stimulation was held constant at 158 Hz, and the intensity was adjusted individually in each rat to the lowest intensity sufficient to maintain an ICSS rate >30 stimulations per minute. Frequency manipulations were then introduced, and the terminal schedule consisted of sequential 10-min components. During each component, a descending series of 10 brain stimulation frequencies was presented, with a 60-s trial at each of 10 frequencies (158 to 56 Hz in 0.05-log increments). Each frequency trial began with a 10-s timeout, during which the 131410-48-5 house light was off and responding had no scheduled consequences. During the last 5 s of this timeout, five noncontingent stimulations were delivered once per second at the frequency available during that trial, and the lever lights were illuminated during each stimulation. This noncontingent stimulation was then followed by a 50-s response period, during which the house light was illuminated, and each lever press produced electrical stimulation and illumination for 0.5 s of the coloured stimulus lights over the lever. Training continued with presentation of three to six sequential components per day, and stimulation intensities were again adjusted individually for each rat, until rats reliably responded at rates 50% maximum control rates (MCRs; see Data analysis) for at least three and no more than six trials of all components for at least three consecutive days. Stimulation intensities were then held constant for 131410-48-5 the remainder of the study in each rat (range: 100C280 A). In general, rats were implanted with electrodes and 131410-48-5 exposed to ICSS in groups of 12C16, and the first six rats in each group to meet training criteria advanced to ICSS pharmacological testing. The remaining rats that failed to meet training criteria were assigned to assays of acid-stimulated stretching (see below). Overall, 10 rats completed ICSS studies and 16 rats completed stretching studies. Additionally, rats were habituated to saline injections until these injections had no significant effect on ICSS frequency-rate curves as determined by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA; see Data Analysis). Testing was conducted using a within-subject experimental design that has been used previously to evaluate antinociceptive effects of other drugs including opioids (Pereira Do Carmo et al., 2009; Negus et al., 2012a, b; Leitl et al., 2014; Altarifi et al., 2015; Miller et al., 2015a, b), cannabinoids (Kwilasz and Negus, 2012; Kwilasz et al., 2014) and monoamine reuptake inhibitors (Rosenberg et al., 2013; Miller et al., 2015a, b). ICSS test sessions for doseCeffect testing consisted of six sequential components. The first component of each test session Rabbit Polyclonal to MAPK1/3 was considered an acclimation component, and data from this component were discarded. Data from the second and third baseline components were used to calculate control parameters of frequency-rate curves for that test session in that rat (see Data Analysis). Immediately after completion of the baseline components, rats were taken out of the ICSS chambers, administered drug or vehicle (i.p.) and placed back into their home cages. After the designated pretreatment time elapsed, 1.8% lactic acid or its vehicle was.
